

Are people born gay yes or no plain out?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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IMO some are born, others just turn gay

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Q: Are people born gay yes or no plain out?
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Can you be gay if you were born in 1998?

Yes, you can be gay if you are born in any year. Gay people have been born every day since the dawn of humanity.

Are gay people actually gay?

Yes, gay people are actually gay.

Are they embarrassed with decision of being gay?

Being gay is not a decision. It's something you are either born with, you are not. But yes, some people are embarrassed about being gay.

Is are gay people gay?

Yes, very gay they are so gay that they eat gay people haters

Are all people gay?

Yes, all gay people are gay. It's not something people pretend to be.

Can people be gay?

Yes. Most evidence indicates that some people are born gay. It's not always a choice, and there may be multiple causes depending on the individual. Some LGBT persons do claim some element of choice. But yes, people can be gay, and gayness exists.

Are there gay people in the world?

Yes, there are gay people in the world.

Is there gay people in ucla?

Yes. Gay people are everywhere.

Is manny arroyo gay?

The answer is yes, He was born gay.

Can gay people work with children?

Yes. Gay people are not pedophiles.

Are there gay people in China?

Yes, about 3.5% to 8% of Chinese people are gay.

Is their more gay people in Chicago?

yes their is more gay people in Chicago