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Q: Are people buried with their organs?
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When a Egyptian king died what did they do with the organs?

They put them in canopic jars and buried them with him

When a person dies do their bones and organs get took out before getting buried?

Normally no, however in ancient Egypt the mummification process required removal of the organs (which were placed in separate canopic jars) but not the bones. In modern times if a person (and the family agree) has indicated that they wish their organs/bones to be donated to others, then these can be removed before burial. Normally however dead people are buried or cremated intact.

Why do people need artificial organs?

People need artificial organs if one of their organs function is not working.

How did people get buried alive?

they get buried alive by ding alive and getting buried in the pyramids

What did egyptians do with kings organs?

After Egyptians got the dead bodies organs they put them in a jar to rest for 1000 years. Then they took them out and ate them.

Where a person is buried?

A person is buried in a grave in the cemetry, after a burial service.

What are dead Egyptians buried in?

Egyptians, when buried, are buried in graves much the same as other people.

How many people are buried in Westminster Abbey?

There are 3000+ people buried in Westminster Abbey.

What treasures might be buried with the ancient Egyptian kings?

the pharoahs valuables sculpts,pet,and organs

Can people visit the cemetery where people from titanic are buried?

There are people from the Titanic Buried at Mountain View in Vancouver and lots in Halifax.

Do gay people have reproductive organs?

Gay people have reproductive organs. Having reproductive organs has nothing to do with being gay or straight.

How were people buried if they died of the Black Death?

I buried them in my toe jam.