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Q: Are people desensitised to violence due to violent video games?
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What is it about video games that cause some people to become desensitized to violence?

they dont, normally. I think most of the people that were "desensitised to violence by games" were probably already slightly psychotic and the fact that they play violent games is a coincidence or because of their violent tendancys. (im not expert mind and am just speculating).

Do violent video contribute to youth violence YES?

Honestly no. I am quite sick of that statement I play violent games all the time am I serial killer no. Listen violent people are violent before they buy violent video games and non violent people people that buy violent video games do not turn in to ravenous murderers. I see violent video games as an outlet for anger for some people which reduces violence in real life. so NO

Do violent video games provoke violence in children?


Are violent video games appropriate?

Of coure there is violence in video games! Many video games have violence in it, including call of duty.

Why do people make violent video games?

A violent game tends to sell better. Most games are violent even junior games have some violence in it though generally Tinkerbell doesn't 'lose' a head. People like violence it's a well known fact so why make something completely non violent? It just deplete profit though of course racing is different. Producers are out to make profit and it's near impossible to remove all violence whilst still being fun again excluding racing and some puzzle games.

Do violent video games promote real life violence?

Though I do not believe violent video games promote real life violence, many experts believe they do. For example, in Australia violent video games are banned, and a heavy fine is placed on those found with them.

Are there any games similar to RuneScape but are not violent?

no. But not all of runescape is violent. You can 'skill' which involves no violence at all.

Why do people enjoy violent movies?

Americans are socialized to enjoy movies and video games that feature a high degree of violence. However, most Americans do not enjoy violence in their personal lives and would never hurt another person physically.

How does violent video games cause violent behaivor?

They simply don't cause violent behavior. No evidence proves a link between violent video games and violent behavior. Video games are mainly used for stress release and entertainment, so if anything, they prevent violent behavior.

How the violence in the hunger games associated with these stories exists today in the modern society?

It sort of shows us how violent war can be and how poverty affects people

Are there age restrictions for purchasing violent video games?

Yes, some violent games, depending on the amount of violence, require you to be 18 years of age or have a parent with you to purchase the game.

Do all bullies get their violence from violet video games?

yes i think so becuase the games ar violent too