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Q: Are people who inject cocaine at a higher risk for HIV due to frequent injections and increased sexual behavior?
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Can you drink a gallon of water for up to 5 days and pass a drug test for cocaine im a frequent user?

No, but you can not use cocaine and pass a drug test for cocaine.

How does dopamine in cocaine effect your behavior?

not to day

Does cocaine cause jitters?

jitters.violent behavior. crashes.anger.anxiety.paranoia.

Who endorsed cocaine?

Originally many people. For example Sir Arthur Conan Doyle had his character Sherlock Holmes injecting cocaine several times daily and attributed much of Holmes' intelligence, observational skills, and quick thinking to these cocaine injections.

What are the effects of an overdose on cocaine?

Some of the symptoms of cocaine overdose are chest pain, vomiting, nausea, tremors, seizures, breathing irregularities, increased body temperature and increased heart rate.

What substances may caused inflamed runny nose chest pain increased rate increased blood pressure?


What are some of the signs of cocaine use?

You may find small glass pipes and tiny plastic bag left behind after a person smokes cocaine. Symptoms of cocaine often include disorientation, delusions, paranoia and antisocial behavior.

What happens if you put cocaine in water?

Your chances of getting high from drinking cocaine is very low. The easiest way of usage would be to snort it.

What are the health risks associated with the cocaine energy drink?

Health risks associated with Cocaine Energy Drink are: insomnia or trouble falling asleep due to the high amount of stimulants in it, emotional unstability due to the crash causing mood swings, headaches or depression. A user can experience stomach aches, frequent urination or dehydration and heart, muscular, or cognitive problems. If the drink is mixed with alcohol it can cause death, heart arrhythmia, seizures or increased heart rate.

What are some of the symptoms of cocaine addiction?

Cocaine is bad for the soul and some symptoms include shaking, headaches, crazy behavior, pale skin, sweating, nausea, hallucinations, blood shot eyes, and dizziness.

Will you pass a urine drug screen sent to lab have been clean 17 days frequent user of cocaine?

cocaine will show in a drug test for minimum of 3-5 days depending on how heavy an how often you used

What are the symptoms of cocaine?

SHORT TERM - Increased energy - Decreased appetite - Mental alertness - Increased heart rate - Increased blood pressure - Constricted blood vessels - Increased temperature - Dilated pupils LONG TERM - Irritability - Mood disturbances - Restlessness - Paranoia - Auditory hallucinations