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50% of females with Down syndrome are able to conceive children, while males with Down syndrome are usually sterile.

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Q: Are people with Down syndrome sterile?
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Are children of Down Syndrome parents normal?

That would mean that the mother is the one with Down syndrome, since men with Down syndrome are sterile. There is a 50% chance that the child will have Down syndrome and 50% chance that child will be born without.

Can a person with Down syndrome have normal kids?

That depends. Men with Down syndrome have been shown to be sterile, while women with Down syndrome are capable of carrying a child, with 50% likelihood that the child will be born with Down syndrome.

Can a girl with down syndrome have a boyfriend?

Yes, a girl with Down syndrome can have a boyfriend, and many do. People with Down syndrome have the same relationship needs as people without Down syndrome.

Why do people call Down Syndrome Down's?

Down syndrome is the correct term. People who are using "Downs" are speaking incorrectly. Down syndrome used to be called Down's syndrome, but since John Langdon Down did not have nor "invent" this chromosomal abnormality, the correct name is Down syndrome. Countries such as the UK, still use the term Down's syndrome, but shortening it to Down's is not using people first language, therefore, it is incorrect.

Would a male with Down syndrome and a male without Down syndrome have a child with Down syndrome?

== == * I did some research and learned that men with Down syndrome are usually sterile. Most women can get pregnant and have children. Since there is a high risk of Down syndrome in the baby (35%-50%), many times the pregnancy would end in a miscarriage. But many Down syndrome people have had children. * Technically yes, but it's unlikely. Fertility is greatly reduced in both males and females with Down syndrome, although there have been a few cases of males fathering children and females bearing them. * Actually, there has only been 1 case of a male fathering a child. A women with Down syndrome can have children, but there is a 50% chance that the baby will be born with Down syndrome.

Can down syndrome people get depressed?

Yes, people with Downs Syndrome can get depressed.

Why is it that people with down syndrome always stare at food?

people with down syndrome are often riddled with vision impairments...

How many people in Connecticut have Down Syndrome?

Sierra Kyla and Justin have down syndrome

Why can't you have a driver's license if you have down syndrome?

People with Down Syndrome CAN have a driver's license. Many people who live with Down Syndrome have a driver's license, and are perfectly fine drivers. Down Syndrome is not a disease, and people do not "suffer" from Down Syndrome. Down Syndrome does not prevent anybody from safely driving, going to college, owning a house, being married, having children, operating a business, or anything else.

How many people in Louisiana have Down syndrome?

Nationally, there are currently approximately 400,000 people with Down syndrome. Unfortunately, though, there is no breakdown on numbers for each state of those with Down syndrome.

Do you think it should be forbidden for someone with Down syndrome to become a parent?

WikiAnswers contributors share their opinions;There is no way a person with Down syndrome could take care of anybody else, let alone themselves.Some people with Down syndrome marry. With rare exceptions, men with Down syndrome cannot father a child. In any pregnancy, a woman with Down syndrome has a 50-50 chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome, but many affected fetuses are miscarried. Knowing that says that nature is taking care of itself. If two people who love each other have a chance at having a healthy baby, then the best of luck to them. After all, "normal people" have babies with down syndrome and they are loved.And again I will say that males with Down syndrome are almost all sterile (only 1 case documented). And if a female with Down syndrome becomes pregnant with a viable fetus, the father obviously does not have Down syndrome.Some people with Down syndrome are able to function and be a lot more independent than others. As to whether it should be forbidden, my answer is this: "HELL, NO!" Didn't you ever watch "Life Goes On"? If so, do you remember Corky?

Can adults with Down's syndrome find work?

Yes many people with Down's Syndrome work.