

Are people with fast metabolism's fat or skinny?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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People with a fast or high metabolisim are typically skinny.

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Q: Are people with fast metabolism's fat or skinny?
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they have fast metabolisms! :0

Do different races of people have different fat burning metabolisms?

No, people of different races do not have different fat burning metabolisms. We are all human and metabolism food the same way on the inside -- calories in, calories out.

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they might be bulimic or be infected with a parasite like a tapeworm.or , they have fast metabolisms (where your body burns up calories extra quick) so energy cannot be kept as fat , because it all gets used up in growth and stuff.

Why don't fat people just fast until their skinny again?

Probably because they find comfort in food.

Do fat people have fat?

yes everyone has fat even skinny people.

How come fat people are fat?

cuz they like to easy and are lazy. Or they have slow metabolisms but dont care cuz they wanna eat more even though they dont digest it fast. NOONE is fat cuz they are born that way. no one is naturally fat. its their fault they r fat.

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Depends on how fast the skinny guy can run

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It depends is ur mom fat or is she skinny?

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How fast is an eight year older?

It depends on how fat or skinny and in shape or not in shape.

Are there mostly fat people or skinny people?

Although I'm a bully at school, I'm just trying to be honest, usually there are more fat people. Because why would they have fast food is it there for a reason.if u are fat than exercise its the best thing to do

Why doctors and diet experts can help fat people get skinny but cant help skinny people get fat?

Good question. It could be a thyroid problem.