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Q: Are people with sickle cell trait immune to the west nile virus?
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Are people with Sickle cell disease immune to west nile virus?

yes they are

Horses born with theSCID virus have?

SCID is a genetic disease, not a virus. It is a recessive inherited trait in Arabians that causes the foal's immune system to be severely underdeveloped and often absent.

What virus attacks the cells in the immune system that produce antibodies?

The HIV virus kills the helper T-cells which are part of your immune system.

What virus attacks the cells in the immune system that produces that antibodies?

HIV, human immunodeficiency virus, is the virus that attacks the cells in the immune system that produce antibodies.

Is lupus a virus?

Lupus is not a virus, it is a malfunction of the immune system.

What is an antonym for immune system?


How can you put the word immune in a sentence?

he was immune to that virus because he had gotten it before.

How is HIV different from other virus pathogens?

HIV is a retro virus, that infects your immune cells. The virus attaches to CD4 receptors on T-cell (the cells that are part of the immune system.)

Who gets smallpox?

Anyone not immune to the virus (not a common virus anymore though)

People with AIDS are unable to fight multiple infections because the virus that causes AIDS?

Weakens their immune systems

Why is the response of the immune system to a vaccine specific?

Because the immune system attack the dead virus so the next time the virus come into the body thebimmune systek reconize it and attack the virus

What type of immune cells are in the Swine Flu?

None. Swine flu is an illness caused by the pathogen known now as swine flu virus, A-H1N1/09 influenza. The illness contains no immune cells, nor does the virus. Your body responds to the presence of the virus with an immune response that sends your own immune cells to the area of your body where the flu virus has invaded. It is your body's immune cells that enter the "fight" and eventually get rid of the virus by constructing the type of immune cells called antibodies that are a perfect fit to inactivate the specific virus so it can no longer cause cell damage and symptoms of the flu. Your body then remembers the antibodies that worked to inactivate the virus so it can use them in the future if you are ever exposed to that virus again.