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Q: Are percent error calculations are data that do not fit with the rest of a data set?
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How does the outlier effect the data?

Outlier: an observation that is very different from the rest of the data.How does this affect the data: outliers affect data because it means that your calculations might be off which makes it a possibility that more than the outlier is off.

Extreme numbers compared to the rest of the data are called?

Extreme numbers in the data as compared the the rest of the data are called OUTLIERS.

What is anomalous data?

Data that does not fit with the rest of the data set.

What is the term for a value separated from the rest of the data?

A value separated from the rest of the data is called an outlier

What is A piece of data that is quite separated from the rest of the data?


What is the term that is used to describe data that does not fit with the rest of the data?


How many percent of calcium in the teeth?

Calcium makes up about 70% of the mineral content in teeth.

What are 3 states of data for protection?

Three states of data are : Data at rest, Data in motion & Data in use. Data at rest: Data at rest is a term used by computer professionals to describe all data in computer storage that is not currently being accessed or transferred. Data in motion: Data in motion is data that is moving or being transferred between locations within or between computer systems. Data in use: Data in use is data that is currently being updated, processed, accessed & read by a system... Data at rest must be protected at a high level & Moving data should be closely monitored.

What is the need of absolute value?

It gives an independent variable as a reference on which the rest of the values and calculations may be based.

What is a piece of data that is quite seperated from the rest of the data?

Square with perimeter of 80

What is a data point called that stands out away from all of the rest of the data?

An outlier

4o percent of people do this and it hurts?

fight with 60 percent rest of people