

Are petunias easy to grow

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Are petunias easy to grow
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Related questions

How do you grow petunias in winter?

To grow petunias in winter, they would have to be taken inside.

How do you grow petunia?

Most people buy petunias already sprouted but you can grow them from seed.

Where do petunias grow best in sunny or shady areas?


What is the young of a petunia?

Petunias grow from seeds, turn into seedlings and then mature plants.

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Where does petunias grow?

A petunia is a type of plant from South America. They are able to grow in hot and arid climates with limited humidity.

How could nursery produce petunias?

Nurseries can produce petunias by starting with seeds or cuttings from existing plants. They would then grow the petunias in a controlled environment with proper lighting, watering, and temperature conditions. Once the plants are mature, they can be sold to customers for planting in their gardens or containers.

Where did the petunia come from?

A petunia is a type of plant from South America. They are able to grow in hot and arid climates with limited humidity.

Do petunias grow from seeds?

Yes. When you get your bedding plants, get some petunias and let them go to seed. The seeds are black and very small and are encased in a brittle shell. When you have chosen your seeds, you can pick from the colours that you like the best. Plant them in the Spring, in rich soil and watch them grow.

Will Mexican petunias grow in West End NC?

Yes. West End is located in the coastal plain, and the sandy soil there will allow them to grow quite well.

Are petunias flowering plants?

Yes, petunias are flowers.

What color are petunias?

Colors of PetuniasPopular colors of petunias are shades of purple, but they come in just about any color. There are even bi-colored petunias.