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No. Phosphorus is a chemical element; phosphors are materials, not necessarily elements, that emit light slowly enough to be useful light sources in the dark, without the need for applied electric current or other external energy supplies. The light emitted may have been absorbed from the environment experienced by a phosphor before its light is emitted and stored in the phosphor in the form of a metastable excited state of an atom, or it may arise from slow chemical reaction among, or radioactive decay of, one or more constituents of the phosphor.

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Q: Are phosphorus and phosphors the same?
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Can you eat phosphors?

Although I would not recommend it, yes you can as most are non-toxic.If however you meant elemental Phosphorus instead of phosphors, NO, some form of Phosphorus are deadly poisons and white Phosphorus spontaneously ignites on contact with air!!!If you don't know the difference between phosphors and Phosphorus, that is the subject of a different question.

Why are light bulbs coated with phosphorus?

They aren't. Ordinary filament lamps aren't coated with anything at all. The inside of fluorescent lamps are coated with a mixture of phosphors (NOT phosphorus but very complex metal salts). Fluorescent lamps work in two major steps. The electric current causes mercury vapour to emit ultra-violet light. The UV is absorbed by the phosphors and they re-emit it as coloured light. The mix of phosphors are there to emit a variety of colours so that the overall effect is a white light.

What does phosphors?

Activators initiate, improve, maintain the luminescence of phosphors.,

What are phosphors and why are they found in washing powder?

Phosphorus, a nonmetallic chemical element, is a mineral and never found alone in nature. It is found in washing powder because it is useful for softening water and to prevent pipe corrosion.

CRT screens are coated with which material?

The screen is coated in phosphorous. Sneighke: That is completely false. CRTs depend on phosphors. Three differing ones. Red, green, and blue. Though phosphorus is an element used, it's not what "screens are coated with".

Is phosphorous a gas?

Anything can be found in the 3 basic forms or liquid, solid, or gas, but phosphorous is normally found as a solid, but since it reacts with oxygen it is not normally found in an elemental form.

Is phosphorus the same as potassium?

Nope - phosphorus and potassium are two completely different elements. The chemical symbol for Phosphorus is P - and for Potassium, it's K.

What is the chemical formula for Black phosphorus?

Red, yellow and black phosphorus have the same emperical formula P4.

What unusual non metal is found at the top of the same group as silicon?

Phosphorus is, And the Abbreviation for Phosphorus is P4O10,

What happens when you do not have phosphorus?

Phosphorus contributes to overall growth. For people, good sources of phosphorus are dairy, fish and meat products. For plants, the source of phosphorus is the same as that for other necessary nutrients: the soil. Phosphorus deficiency shows up in stunted growth.

Which element is in the same period as phosphorus - carbon nitrogen oxygen and magnesium?

The only element out of those listed which is on the same row of the periodic table as phosphorus is magnesium.

Is carbon in the same period as phosphorus?

No. Carbon belongs to period 2 whereas Phosphorus belongs to period 3.