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Phosphorus ions are negative.

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Q: Are phosphorus ions positive or negative?
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Related questions

Does phosphorus have a negative charge?

Phosphorus in its elemental form does not have a negative charge. However, in chemical compounds, phosphorus can form ions with a negative charge, such as phosphate ions (PO4^3-).

Do positive ions form faster than negative ions?

yes positive ions are faster then negative ions

Is an ion negative or positive?

An ion can be either negative or positive, depending on whether it has gained or lost electrons. A negatively charged ion, or anion, has gained electrons, while a positively charged ion, or cation, has lost electrons.

What is the difference between a negative and a positive?

positive ions carry positive charge and negative ions carry negative charge

What kinds of charges can ions have?

Ions can have either a positive or a negative charge.

Does uranium have positive or negative ions?

Sin uranium is a metal it will form negative ions.

What are positive and negative ions called?

Positive ions are called cations, and negative ions are called anions. Cations have a net positive charge because they have lost electrons, while anions have a net negative charge because they have gained electrons.

Where do the negative ions go?

Negative ions go to a positive electrode.

Do non-metals become positive or negative as ions?

Non-metals typically become negative ions when they form ions because they gain electrons to achieve a full outer electron shell. This results in a negative charge due to the extra electrons present in the ion.

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What has a positive or negative charge?

These are ions: positive (cations) and negative (anions).

What has positive and negative ions organic or inorganic?

Positive and negative ions can be found in both organic and inorganic chemistry.