

Are pirogues smaller than canoes

Updated: 11/21/2022
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Q: Are pirogues smaller than canoes
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What kind of ship did Lewis and Clark have on their expedition?

They had: 1 Keeled boat light strong at least 60 feet in length her burthen equal to 8 tons 1 Large Wooden canoe They also used pirogues. "Pirogues" is a French word meaning that they tied smaller canoes together to make a kind of raft.

What types of ships did Lewis and Clark take?

They had: 1 Keeled boat light strong at least 60 feet in length her burthen equal to 8 tons 1 Large Wooden canoe They also used pirogues. "Pirogues" is a French word meaning that they tied smaller canoes together to make a kind of raft.

What kind of boat did the corps of discovery go on?

They had: 1 Keeled boat light strong at least 60 feet in length her burthen equal to 8 tons 1 Large Wooden canoe They also used pirogues. "Pirogues" is a French word meaning that they tied smaller canoes together to make a kind of raft.

How many ships did Lewis and Clark sail with?

They had: 1 Keeled boat light strong at least 60 feet in length her burthen equal to 8 tons 1 Large Wooden canoe They also used pirogues. "Pirogues" is a French word meaning that they tied smaller canoes together to make a kind of raft.

How did Lewis and Clark travel?

They had: 1 Keeled boat light strong at least 60 feet in length her burthen equal to 8 tons 6 Large Wooden canoes They also had horses, walked, climbed, and used pirogues. "Pirogues" is a French word meaning that they tied smaller canoes together to make a kind of raft. Their horses were certainly used as pack animals in the rough country, and for riding when they crossed the flat plains.

How many ships did Lewis and Clark take with them to travel?

They had 1 Keeled boat light strong at least 60 feet in length her burthen equal to 8 tons. They also had one large wooden canoe and 52 pirogues. "Pirogues" is a French word meaning that they tied smaller canoes together to make a kind of raft.

What is a cajeu?

Cajeu: A French term describing a raft made usually by tying together two canoes or pirogues side by side.

How did Lewis and Clark navigate the Missouri River with their boat?

With boats that could be towed by lines(pirogues) and canoes made from logs along the way.

What did Lewis and Clark travel in?

In a 55 foot long keelboat and two smaller pirogues.

In what form did Lewis and clark travel?

In a 55 foot long keelboat and two smaller pirogues.

What did Lewis and Clark use for their travel?

They had: 1 Keeled boat light strong at least 60 feet in length her burthen equal to 8 tons 1 Large Wooden canoe They also had horses, walked, climbed, and used pirogues. "Pirogues" is a French word meaning that they tied smaller canoes together to make a kind of raft. Their horses were certainly used as pack animals in the rough country, and for riding when they crossed the flat plains.

What did Lewis and Clark travel to the west in?

They had: 1 Keeled boat light strong at least 60 feet in length her burthen equal to 8 tons 1 Large Wooden canoe They also had horses, walked, climbed, and used pirogues. "Pirogues" is a French word meaning that they tied smaller canoes together to make a kind of raft. Their horses were certainly used as pack animals in the rough country, and for riding when they crossed the flat plains.