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Q: Are plains ever found along coastlines?
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Have the great plains ever been used for farms or ranches?

Yes they have.

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Yes, It was discovered near Earnscliffe, PEI along the beach about 2010, by our aunt. We have some from their.

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What archeological find was unearthed near the North Platte River in Nebraska in 1922?

The archeological find unearthed near the North Platte River in Nebraska in 1922 was the Ash Hollow site, which contained evidence of early Plains Indian inhabitants, including projectile points and bison bones. This site provided valuable insights into the prehistory of the Great Plains region.

Were does an alligator live in the world?

The Farthest north an American Alligator has been sighted was Chattanooga, Tennessee in the late 1990s. The Farthest north an American Crocodile has ever been sighted was in southern Louisiana near the mouth of the Mississippi River in 2005.

Have there ever been wild mustangs in the Midwest?

There were. The plains Indian tribes put great value on the ferel horses. But most of these plains horses went the way of the buffalo and were almost completely wiped out. They are now protected by federal law and have made a comeback, but now most mustangs are found in a few western states with the majority in Nevada.

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It refers to a large area of flat landscape which appears to go on for ever.

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Vampires are fictional. No vampire has ever been found.

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