

Are planets hot

Updated: 8/18/2019
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6y ago

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Some planets are hoot, some are cold, and some have moderate temperatures.

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Q: Are planets hot
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What are the hot planets and cool planets?

hot planets i think are mercury and venus... cold planets i think starts from mars outward..

Why do you compare outer planets to inner planets?

because inner planets are hot and outer planets are cold

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Which planets are hot planets and which are cold?

Mercury - Neptune (EX. Uranus) Are Hot. Pluto and Eris are -147 - -312

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The planets will get too hot than melt/explode.

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What planets are most like your sun and how?

No planets will ever be like Sun. 1. Sun is star. 2. No matter how hot a planet is, they'll never be as hot.

How hot are the inner planets?

how would we know? have we been there?

What do inner planets have that outer planets dont have?

the inner planets are hot and or warm. the outer planets have rings. they both have the asteriod belt in the middle. they both have4 planets. the inner planets are smaller, made of rock and are AWESOME!

Where do you find bright and hot stars?

Anywhere - all stars are hot and bright in comparison to planets.

What are the differences between the sun and a planet?

The Sun is very hot it is a ball of gas giving out hot fire, planets are not that hot.The Sun does not orbit anything, where as planets orbit the Sun.

Does Jupiter have a rock or solid core?

Jupiter an outer planet and is commenly known as a gas giant.the planets inside the asteroid belt are called inner planets, while the latter are called gas giants or outer planets. the core of the inner planets had(and still have) a hot core as their(core particles) were hot while forming while the outer planets too had a hot core but not hot enough(during formation) therefore now it is made out of:-rockmetalfrozen liquidsdust,etc