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yes, the average person is about 62 percent plant due to the plants in our diets.

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Q: Are plants and animals closely related evolutionary?
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Can humans and animals procreate with each other?

No, different species of animals cannot procreate with each other; this is part of the definition of "species". There are some minor exceptions between very closely related species, such as horses and donkeys, the offspring of which are mules, but unless they are extremely closely related (such as the big cats), such offspring are usually sterile.With plants it gets a little weirder, though even there hybrids are often (but not always) sterile.

Why are fungi thought to be more closely related to protists instead of plants?

Fungi are not plants mainly because they are heterotrophic and lack the capacity to perform photosynthesis. Fungi are more closely related to animals than plants and most protists. (The term protist has no phylogenetic meaning anymore. That is, "protists" are not all related to one another. There are some prostists that group with fungi in the most recent eukaryotic tree of life. However, more research needs to be done to discover the synapomorphies, or shared, derived traits, between fungi and these protists.) They are more similar to protists in that many protists are also heterotrophic. However, most protists use the DAP pathway to synthesize lysine while fungi use the AAA pathway. Protists use a variety of compounds to store energy. Plants use starch and starch-like compounds. Fungi and animals use glycogen. The cisternae of the mitochondria of many protists are tubular, while animals and fungi have plate-like cisternae.

Do the elephant and sponge come under the same kingdom?

Yes, they are both classified as animals, in the kingdom Animalia.(Some sponges much more closely resemble plants.)

Why are plants important to animals?

Animals get most of their energy and nutrition from plants. Animals either eat the plants, or eat animals that ate the plants. Also, it gives animals a place to live. Such as spiders, ants, moles, and other animals. Plants also provide animals oxygen.

Describe how animals and plants are codependent?

Animals and plants are codependent upon on another for several reasons. Namely, animals depend on plants for nourishment while plants depend on animals for fertilizer.

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Are mushrooms phylogenetically more closely related of plants or to animals?


Which two groups are closely related evolutionarily plants and animals plants and fungi fungi and animals?

fungi & animals

Are Australia's plants and animals are closely related to those of Africa?


Are Australia's plants and animals closely related to those of Africa?

No, Australia's flora and fauna are more closely related to species in Asia and the Pacific Islands due to Australia's geographical isolation. Africa's plants and animals have evolved separately due to being on different continents.

What characteristics should be very similar in order to support an inference that two plants are closely related?

Plants that are closely related usually share similar morphological features like leaf shape, flower structure, and growth patterns. Additionally, closely related plants tend to have a common ancestor, leading to similarities in genetic makeup and evolutionary history. Molecular data, such as DNA sequences, can also be used to support the inference that two plants are closely related.

Is fungy a tipe of plant?

No, fungus is not a type of plant. Fungi are a separate kingdom of organisms that are distinct from plants, animals, and bacteria. Fungi are more closely related to animals than plants.

Do plant's cells have centrioles?

No, plant cells do not have centrioles. Centrioles are only found in animal cells and are involved in organizing the microtubules during cell division. Plant cells use a different mechanism to organize their cytoskeleton during cell division.

During his trip on the Beagle Darwin found that?

plants and animals living on a continent seemed more closely related to each other than to plants and animals living in similar regions on other continents

Do crinoids do photosynthesis?

No, crinoids are marine animals that do not perform photosynthesis. They are suspension feeders, capturing food particles from the water using their feathery arms. They rely on organic matter for their energy.

Which fungal features supports the phylogenetic conclusion that fungi are more closely related to animals than plants?

Features like chitin in cell walls, glycogen as a storage polysaccharide, and the presence of ergosterol in cell membranes support the phylogenetic conclusion that fungi are more closely related to animals than plants. Additionally, fungi and animals share similar modes of nutrition, such as absorption.

What two plants have no true stem or roots or leaves?

Algae and mosses are two examples of plants that can lack true stems, roots, and leaves. These plants typically have simple structures that allow them to absorb nutrients and carry out photosynthesis.

What type of molecular comparison would help to determine whether fungi are more closely related to plants or to animals?

A phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences from members of all three kingdoms (Plus an outgroup) would reveal who fungi are most closely related to.