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Platypus eggs are not hard-shelled, like birds' eggs. They are soft-shelled and leathery.

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Q: Are platypus eggs hard or squishy?
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Are platypus eggs soft or hard?

Platypus eggs are soft and leathery, rather than hard-shelled.

Do platypuses lay hard eggs or soft eggs?

Yes; platypuses lay soft, leathery eggs rather than hard-shelled eggs.

Why are frogs eggs squishy?

They are what we call softshell eggs.

Are platypus eggs edible?

No. The platypus does not eat plants. Platypuses are carnivores. They are predators; they eat small water animals such as aquatic insect larvae of caddisflies, mayflies and two-winged flies, fresh water shrimp, annelid worms, yabbies and crayfish. Sometimes, some aquatic plants are accidentally ingested with the invertebrates collected by the platypus. These do not constitute part of the platypus's diet.

Are the aliens inside Grossman's alien eggs squishy?

yes they are very squishy

Does the platypus externally fertilise its eggs?

No, the platypus does not fertilise its eggs externally.

What are Platypus children?

Platypus lay eggs.

Are Octopus eggs squishy?

i think so

What is the circumference of a normal ostrich egg?

Platypus eggs are just a couple of centimetres in size - about the size of a grape. They average 11 mm in diameter. They are small, smooth and leathery, unlike birds' eggs, which are hard-shelled. They weigh just a few grams.

What does a platypus lays eggs like?

Platypus eggs are very small. They are just a couple of centimetres in size - about the size of a grape. They average 11 mm in diameter. They are small, smooth and leathery, unlike birds' eggs, which are hard-shelled. They weigh just a few grams.

Is a platypus a cartilaginous fish?

No, a platypus is a mammal that lays eggs. It's a Monotreme. A platypus and the echidna are the only mammals in the world that lay eggs.

How does the platypus lay eggs?

a group of platypus is called a 'businesss'