

Are platypuses marsupials

Updated: 11/15/2022
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12y ago

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Platypuses are mammals, but not marsupials (pouched mammals). They are monotremes, that is, egg-laying mammals.

After a short gestation period, the mother lays an egg containing the baby. About ten days later, the egg hatches, and the baby emerges. Marsupials also have short gestation periods, but after it is done, there is live birth. Baby marsupials crawl from the birth canal to the mother's nipple, to which they attach themselves for several weeks.

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No. The only mammals hatched from eggs are platypuses and echidnas. Wombats are marsupials; therefore they give birth to live young.

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No. Platypuses do not have a pouch. Marsupials are the mammals characterised (for the most part) by a pouch on the female's abdomen. Platypuses are monotremes, and do not have a pouch. admittedly, the other monotreme, the echidna, does develop a rudimentary pouch during the breeding season, but the platypus does not.

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No. Koalas do not lay eggs, Koalas are mammals, specifically marsupials. Marsupials are pouched mammals, not egg-laying mammals. Mammals give birth to live young, with the exception of monotremes, i.e. platypuses and echidnas, which are also unique to Australia.

How are monotremes and marsupials different?

Marsupials give live birth to undeveloped young, which then crawl to the nipples (protected by a pouch in many species). Monotremes lay eggs and do not have nipples. Adult marsupials have teeth, but adult monotremes are toothless. Monotremes have interclavicle and coracoid bones in their shoulders, putting their legs to the sides of their bodies like reptiles. Marsupials do not. Monotremes have spurs on their ankles (venomous only for male platypuses), but marsupials do not.

Are mammals marsupials?

Yes. All mammals, including marsupials, have the following characteristics:a body covering of fur, skin or hairsuckle the young on mothers' milkwarm-blooded vertebrates which breathe through lungswith the exception of platypuses and echidnas which are monotremes, or egg laying mammals, all other mammals including marsupials give birth to live young

Where are the kangaroo eggs laid?

Kangaroos do not lay eggs. They are marsupials, not monotremes, and therefore are not egg-laying mammals like platypuses and echidnas. Their offspring are born live.

Why don't koalas hatch from eggs?

Quite simply, the egg-laying mammals are restricted to just the monotremes. Koalas are marsupials, not monotremes. The reproductive system of marsupials is made for giving live birth, not for laying eggs. The only egg-laying mammals are echidnas and platypuses.

Do platypus live in new zealand as well as australia?

Newzeland was so isolated that from the time of its formation till the arrival of man the only animals to get to it were those with wings. Insects, birds and bats. Marsupials and monotremes never made it to the island

What is lay eggs?

There are no egg-laying marsupials. There are, however, two types of mammals which are egg-laying, and they are known as monotremes. Platypuses and echidnas are both monotremes, the only known egg-laying mammals.

Why do people call platypuses duckbilled when their mouth isn't even in the bill and why do people call koalas bears when they are marsupials and NOT even related to bears?

because they are most likely american. enough said.

What is an egg-laying marsupial?

There are no egg-laying marsupials. There are, however, two types of mammals which are egg-laying, and they are known as monotremes. Platypuses and echidnas are both monotremes, the only known egg-laying mammals.