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Not really, no, unless your rabbit munched its way through a LOT of plants. Poinsettias being poisonous to pets and kids is a fairly old urban myth.

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Q: Are poinsettias poisonous to deer
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Is the milk from a poinsettia poisonous if consumed?

Yes, poinsettias are poisionous

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Are pointsettes poison to cats?

Small amounts of poinsettia flowers will not harm a cat. Try to keep the poinsettias away from pets.

Is holly poisonous to cats?

Yes, holly is poisonous to cats. It gives them intestinal problems or causes throwing up. Do not feed your pets holly. (Poinsettias are also toxic.)

Do poinsettias kill parakeets?

Poinsettias have been thought to be poisonous to animals for years, but there's been some recent research that shows they're not poisonous to birds. Poinsettia leaves can irritate stomach linings of animals, but in small doses it seems they won't cause any major problems. Apparently the berries are very toxic and, to be safe, keep your bird away from these.

Is the pointsetta plant poisonious?

Milky latex in the stems and leaves can be irritating to sensitized persons or animals, but the claim that poinsettias are deadly poisonous is greatly exaggerated.

How do you use poinsettias in a sentence?

Thank you for watering my poinsettias.

Are poinsettia leaves poisonous to the touch?

No, the leaves of poinsettias (Euphorbiapulcherrima) are not poisonous to the touch.Specifically, the plant contains a milky substance that can be irritating to some people. The severest reaction will be an upset stomach or diarrhea. The notion of poinsettia body parts as being poisonous comes from its membership in the Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) of plants. Some family members are poisonous, some not.

Why should poinsettias be kept away from children?

That the plant contains an irritating substance is a reason for keeping a distance between children and poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima).Specifically, the plant's milky sap can be irritating. An extreme reaction would be upset stomach and/or diarrhea. But the sap is not poisonous and in fact has been used to treat fever.

Are poinsettias poisonous to pets?

Yes, poinsettia plants are harmful to cats.Specifically, poinsettia contains a milky sap which is called latex (even though it is not the latex which helps in rubber production). Latex irritates a cat's digestive tract. Cats that eat poinsetta for Christmas will need to be treated for irritated mouths and stomachs as well as for nausea and vomiting.

Are poinsettias endangered?


Name the common plant that is poisonous to cats?

There are two that I can think of off the top of my head; poinsettias and oleander. There is a huge (and much more comprehensive) list that can be found here: