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No, but they (along with the brown bear) are the largest land carnivore.

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Q: Are polar bears the largest animal in the world?
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Is the polar bear the world's largest land meat-eater.?

Grizzly Bear is the largest meat eating animal I disagree - The Polar Bear and Kodiak Bear are the world's largest carnivores.

Which bear is considered to be the world's largest and carnivore?

The polar bear is the largest of the bears

Are grizzly bears the king of the bears?

Not exactly. Polar bears are the largest species of bear in the world, making it "King of bears," not a grizzly.

Do Polar Bears have Relationships?

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What do polar bears and great white have in common They can both swim They both have teeth?

They have in common the fact that they are both the largest carnivores in the world; The polar bear the largest on land, the great white shark the largest in the oceans.

Dedliest animal in world?

Polar bears because they attack for no reason unlike other mammals

How many polar bears live in Alaska?

None, Polar Bears live in the Arctic, which is the other side of the world to Antarctica.

In what region of the world do polar bears live?

Polar bears are creatures of the Arctic regions.

What parts of the world does polar bears live in?

the icey parts

Do polar bears live all over the world?

No polar bears don't live all over the world. Polar bears live in North Pole, South Pole, The Artic, really small islands, and Canada.

What animal the world's largest land carnivore will roam 20000 square miles looking for food?

Polar bear