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Q: Are preganglionic neurons made up of adrenergic fibers?
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What make up nervous muscle tissue?

Muscle tissue made up of elongated muscle fibers, fibers that contract in response to stimuli. Nervous Tissue is made up of neurons and neurological cells.

What makes up muscle tissue?

Muscle tissue made up of elongated muscle fibers, fibers that contract in response to stimuli. Nervous Tissue is made up of neurons and neurological cells.

What is the occipital lobe made of?

Like all lobes of the cerebral cortex (the bumps and grooves of brain tissue that constitute the outside of the brain), the occipital lobe is made up of neuron cell bodies (gray matter) and the clusters of fibers that allow neurons to send chemical signals to other neurons (axons, or, white matter). The neurons in the occipital lobe are tightly packed and arranged in columns.

Is ice made from fibers?

ice is not made of fibers

What is Nerve Cells neurons made of?

neurons and neuroglia

Which nerves contain the most parasympathetic preganglionic fibers a trigeminal b splanchnic c optic d vagus?

D. vagus. this is the largest Cranial nerve, carrying parasympathetic information to much of the body (ie. esophagus, GI tract, heart). parasympathetic fibers, unlike sympathetic fibers, do not synapse until they are pretty much on in or near the organ. So the vagus is made up of preganglionic parasympathetics.trigeminal contains somatic afferents, and somatic efferents. neither of these are visceral efferents (which could be para or sympathetic).wikipedia tells you correctly that splanchnic nerves are generally sympathetic autonomics, except for one spot.optic nerve is carrying Afferent sensory information Away from the eye.

Which fibers are synthetic?

The fibers which are made by man are the synthetic fibers.

What are manufactures fibers made from?

Manufactured fibers are made from chemicals. :D

What manufactured fibers made from?

Manufactured fibers are made from chemicals. :D

When are most neurons made?

the age that the body has the most neurons is at birth.

What are 2 man made fibers and what are 4 natural fibers?

Two of the man-made fibers are nylon and polyester. 4 of the natural fibers are cotton, wool, hemp, and silk.

What is a motor unit is made up of?

Motor neurons and the muscle fibers they transmit signals toA motor unit is a collection of muscle fibers that contract as a single functional unit when stimulated by an impulse from a motor neuron. The actual size can vary greatly, from many large muscle fibers in the quadriceps muscle group per motor unit to just a few muscle fibers in the muscles of the fingers per motor unit.