

Are psychedelic drugs also known as narcotics?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Are psychedelic drugs also known as narcotics?
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What is the purpose of narcotics?

Narcotics are drugs that dull the sense of pain and cause drowsiness or sleep. They are the most effective tool a physician has to relieve severe pain. Narcotics are also given pre-operatively to relieve anxiety and induce anesthesia.

What drugs should not be taken with narcotics?

These drugs depress the central nervous system and should not be taken with other drugs, such as alcohol, barbiturates, antihistamines, and benzodiazepines that also depress the central nervous system.

What is the difference between narcotic and non-narcotic?

Narcotics are pain relieving drugs that can be addictive. They may also be severely constipating.

What was the psychedelic generation of the 60's?

the small era from 1966-1969, where the young culture mainly in the UK, started expirementing with drugs like the famous LSD and shrooms. also the music psychedelic rock, like the syd barrett pink Floyd were very big at the time.

Is it true that Tolerance to a particular drug might also increase drugs in the same class?

Yes it can especially with opioid narcotics its called cross tolerance

What are examples of narcotics?

Narcotics are drugs that alleviate physical pain, suppress coughing, alleviate diarrhea, and induce anesthesia. Natural narcotics are derived from the Opium poppy and synthetic narcotics are made to act like the major constituents of Opium (thebaine, morphine, codeine). Legal, synthetic narcotics such as OxyContin (oxycodone) and Vicodin (hydrocodone) are prescribed as pain-relievers but are often diverted for illegitimate uses. Heroin is an illegal narcotic, derived from morphine.

How much do narcotics cost illegally?

Well it depends on what kind of narcotics and quality of such narcotics. Also depends on the area.

What films have good psychedelic scenes?

Here's two that i know: Donnie Darko; i just recently watched this, its a pretty good movie. it will be a "wtf is going on" movie if you take any drugs (most likely marijuana) Requiem For A Dream; this is also good, but its not really psychedelic. it just has some weird stuff in it.

Should psychedelic drugs be used for recreation?

Under some circumstances, psychedelic drugs should be used for 'recreational' purposes - a category that covers a lot of ground. Firstly I would recommend nominating a 'safe' person, who has been around 'trippers' and will not 'freak them out'. Also a safe and comfortable environment, be that a house or a field. Dangers are everywhere for the person with an altered consciousness. A simple coal fire may appear to be a basket of roses for example - so have someone you trust around who can be gentle but firm. If you have a history of psychotic or overemotional behaviour, get easily paranoid or have schizophrenia in your family history - I would definitely give them a miss. Why take all this risk of 'getting out of your head'? Because there is a universe out there and through tripping you can secure a deep and everlasting connection - similar to the global heritage of Shamen who transcend this reality to find their truths. You don't actually have to 'leave the planet' on psychedelic drugs, there are many levels from peripheral hallucinations created by 10 or so magic mushrooms, or a bong of skunk weed, to full-on temporal and spatial journeys instigated by Salvia Divinorum or Mescalin or strong chemical mixes such as LSD or PCP. Personally I would tend towards naturally sourced psychedelic drugs over chemically derived. Having seen 'outside the box' by using psychedelic drugs it is hard to get back in again. Experiencing reality on another level can lead to some unconventional standpoints and can lead you to question 'conformity' in many ways. Given the present state of our culture this is not just necessary, but essential as we need creative solutions to the problems of environmental and cultural breakdown. The use of psychedelic drugs can be most inspirational. The Impressionist painters for example were believed to consume large amounts of cannabis before painting. The use of psychedelic and other drugs in music is also well known. But using drugs is not the only way to 'transcend' reality and find new meaning. Although you may have to work harder to find transcendence through forms of meditation (and there are many of these) - the rewards are often greater since you have to work harder for it.

Which immunomodulater effective against H1N1?

drugs also known as medicen

What are hypnotics drugs also known as?

Hypnotic drugs' clinical name is soporific drugs. They are a class of psychoactive drugs whose primary use is to induce sleep and in the treatment of insomnia.

What is psychedelic?

Psychedelic means soul (psyche) manifesting (delos).What is described as psychedelic are usually things or experiences that shed the normal constraints of physical and moral structures to navigate beyond.It is really not easy to describe with words as it is also beyond them.