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Asthma is a reactive airway disease. The lining of the bronchi and bronchiloli the smaller airways get inflamed and swell and the muscular lining of the airways spasm causing shortness of breath. It can be triggered by emotion and enviornmental allergens as well as other things like aspirating foreign objects (think little tiny bits of water etc). The cause of cystic fibrosis is a lack of a gene sequence that causes the airways to be clogged with thick gunky secretions. You can test for this disease now really easily so that you will not accidently give it to your kids. It also affects the sodium levels in the body and the ability to absorb nutrients. Kids with CF are constantly needing to have their lungs cleaned out by postural drainage (hanging upside down and being patted hard on the back or "percussed") and a one of my friends grandkids ended up with double lung transplants, one lived and one died. Another friend of mine managed to live to the age of 35 with the disease, though toward the end his ability to breathe was gone and he basically suffocated.

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13y ago

No. Nor is it more different than asthma.

However, cycstic fibrosis IS different TO asthma.

The above answer is incorrect both in its semantical and grammatical sense (neither of which has anything to do with the question asked), and also in its medical sense.

The fact is that cystic fybrosis and asthma are totally different conditions, sharing only one symptom, a difficulty in breathing.

Cysytic fibrosis is cause by a malfunction of the endocrine glands and the pancreas, and results in digestive disorders and breathing difficulties due to excess mucus in the airways.

Asthma results in breathing difficulties due to spasms or restictions in the airways caused usually by allergens.

As to the above, unhelpful answer, the correct grammer is "different from" not "different to". Also the phrase "more different than" was never an issue until suggested by the (unhelpful) answerer. Perhaps semantic arguments could be taken out elsewhere on the site, leaving legitimate questions to legitimate answerers.

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Is a carrier of cystic fibrosis

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No. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease.

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To found Cystic Fibrosis, watch Princess and I!!!

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No. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease.

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No, there is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis.