

Are quasars closest to earth

Updated: 12/2/2022
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Q: Are quasars closest to earth
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Are some quasars nearly 13 billion light-years from earth?

Yes, there are some quasars that are nearly 13 billion light years from the earth.

What would happen if quasars were found near earth?

earth would no longer exist

The hubble telescope can see quasars that are 58,690,000,000,000,000,000 miles away. How long does it take light to reach earth from these quasars?

12.8 billion light years away.

Can you see quasars down on earth?

Yes only with large telescopes though.

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the moon is the closest to the earth

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Troposphere is closest the earth's surface.Stratosphere is the second closest on earth surface.

What would happen if the quasars are near the earth?

Quasars are galaxies which are much brighter than ordinary ones. they are as bright as 100 galaxies put together. they are also as powerful as several blackholes put together. quasars are seen as faint light from the earth this shows how powerful they are to be seen from the extreme end of the visible universe in any case if the quasars were any nearer to the earth the earth would be pulled into by the ultra strong black hole due to the extreme intense information in the form of light or radio waves would come out of it, its presence can be inferred only from the gravitational force it exerts on the bodies close to it

What planet is closest to the moon?

Earth is the closest planet to the moon and Venus follows as the second closest planet to the moon

What is the layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth?

The Troposphere is the closest to earth.

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Earth is what even not closest to what not the Sun?

Why are there no quasars left?

Quasars still exist.