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Rats & mice both self groom expertly. They're very thorough about it, but they can only be as clean as their environment.

Male mice should have their cages cleaned every 5-7 days, any more than that & they go on a scent marking spree & they will create more odour to deter you from disturbing their home again. Female mice you can get away with cleaning every 3 days if you really want to.

Also, the bigger their cage/tub/tank, the less smell they can create really. Most mice only poop in one corner of their enclosures.

Rats aren't that particularly fussed about their cages being cleaned so often, & their pee usually doesn't smell that strongly unless they are scent marking, in which they can add phermones to the urine to give it more whiff. This still isn't as strong as normal mouse pee.

Rats do something called "Stashing & Marinating" where they collect items they like, be it food, fabric, paper, shiney metal object, take it to a secluded part of their cage, put it on the pile, pee on it, poop on it & sleep on it. They can become pretty grtoss about it.

But, if you check the cages & clean routinely, at least once every 10 days (depending on cage size & how many you have) you can keep them clean. Also, unlike mice, you can give them a bath if they really need it.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Well it all depends. Pet mice are cleaner then wild/sewer rats but comparing both pets a rat would be cleaner then a mouse and not nearly as smelly believe me. I sorta find them cuter myself.

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13y ago

No. Mice are cleaner because rats live in dirtier places (if they are wild rats.) If they are pet rats they would be much less smelly and probably cleaner. (if wash them from time to time.)

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14y ago

Rats are the dirtest animals on the planet.

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Q: Are pet rats cleaner than pet mice?
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