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Most species of Lemur are a herbivore and eat flowers and other plants.

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Q: Are ring tailed lemur herbivores or carnivores or omnivores?
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Is a lemur a omnivore?

No, lemurs are not omnivores; they are herbivores. Some smaller species are insectivores.

Is the ring tail lemur a predator?

Some are omnivores, others are herbivores. When the oppurtinity is readily available, they become omnivores of sorts.

Are lemurs carnivores omnivores herbivores?

It depends on the type of lemur. Some lemurs eat mostly fruits, other eat mostly leaves, while others eat a mixture as well as some insects, small vertebrates, eggs, bark, etc.

Where does a Ring-tailed Lemur eat?

Ring-tailed lemurs eat on the ground and in the trees. They are opportunistic omnivores, but primarily eat fruit and leaves.

Is a ring tailed lemur decomposer?

The majority of the ring-tailed lemur diet consists of fruit and leaves, so yes, it is primarily an herbivore. However, during times of drought it will eat whatever foods it can find, including insects and small vertebrates. Therefore it is best described as an opportunistic omnivore.

When was Fat-tailed dwarf lemur created?

Fat-tailed dwarf lemur was created in 1812.

Who are Ring tailed lemur enemies?

me and youthere might not be any enemies with the ring tailed lemur

What does ring tailed lemur eats?

The Ring Tailed Lemur eats different exotic Fruits, and insects.

What is related to the Ring tailed Lemur?

The Ring-tailed lemur is a primate species native to Madagascar and is known for its distinctive black and white ringed tail. They are social animals that live in groups called troops and are primarily herbivores, feeding on fruits, leaves, and flowers. Ring-tailed lemurs are also known for their sunbathing behavior, where they sit with their arms outstretched to absorb warmth from the sun.

What is the Scientific name for ring tailed lemur?

Lemur catta

Is a ring tail lemur a mammal?

The ring tailed lemur is a mammal.

How long can a mother Ring tailed lemur be pregnant?

The gestation period of the ring-tailed lemur is approximately 135 days.