

Are salts metabolic wastes in animals?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Humans and most other air-breathing animals require a constant source of fresh drinking water to excrete accumulated salts and metabolic waste products.

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Q: Are salts metabolic wastes in animals?
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What are the principal metabolic waste products?

Urea , Uric acid and Creatinine are the major metabolic waste products thats correct

What in urine?

Urine is a solution of metabolic wastes that contains urea, salts, and many different organic compounds.

What are examples of metabolic waste?

Urine and sweat are examples of metabolic wastes. Feaces are NOT metabolic wastes.


Nephiridia remove metabolic wastes from the body of animals. These are found in invertebrate animals. These are equivalent to kidneys of vertebrate animals.

Organisms remove metabolic cellular wastes by the process of what?

Organisms remove metabolic cellular wastes by the process of excretion.

Does water and salts are taken from wastes in the stomach?

no, water and salts are not taken from wastes in the stomach

Organism remove metabolic cellular wastes by the process of?

Organisms remove metabolic cellular wastes by the process of excretion.

What kind of metabolic. wastes are removed by the excretory system?

nitrogenous wastes

Which system disposes of metabolic wastes?

Mainly the urinary system. The kidneys filter out metabolic wastes and remove them from the body in the form of urine.

What are metabolic products?

Metabolic wastes are substances that are left over, after oxygen and nutrients have been supplied to a cell, and must be excreted. These are substances such as water, carbon dioxide, sodium chloride and soluble nitrogenous salts, which are excreted in urine, feces, and exhaled air.

Is inorganic salts metabolic waste?

no, it would have to be organic to be a metabolic waste

What are metabolic waste products?

Metabolic wastes are substances that are left over, after oxygen and nutrients have been supplied to a cell, and must be excreted. These are substances such as water, carbon dioxide, sodium chloride and soluble nitrogenous salts, which are excreted in urine, feces, and exhaled air.