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No, they fall under the non-restricted category so long as they meet the barrel length and overall length requirements (99% of unaltered semi-auto shotguns that you would buy at your local basspro or Cabela's would fall under this category).

HOWEVER, the tubular magazine must be plugged to only allow 2 shells in the magazine. This would allow the shooter to only have a maximum of only 3 shells in the firearm at one time (2 in the mag, one in the chamber)

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Q: Are semi automatic shotguns a restricted weapon in Canada?
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The short answer is no, unless you have a firearms collector's licence. A fully automatic weapon is a restricted weapon and unless you have the correct licence you are not allowed to import them or own them. The collector's licence is difficult to get and restrictive.

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No. Unless it is a fully automatic weapon (often referred to as an "NFA Weapon) There is no requirement to register firearms anywhere in the State of Florida.

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It should be marked on the weapon either as a word or a combination of symbols.

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a weapon that is hidden-hence the concealed part

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Is a luger pistol legal in Canada?

Depending on the model of the luger pistol, it is either a prohibited weapon ie. not available to own. or a restricted weapon ie. available to own but more paper work to file. The "standard" luger barrel length is less than 105mm which classifies it as a prohibited weapon.