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Land sharks, yes. Sharks in the water, no.

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Q: Are sharks attracted to blue nail polish?
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What colors can you use with crackle nail polish?

Any you like! here's some suggestions: Pink nail polish with black crackle Blue nail polish with black crackle Black nail polish with pink crackle Pink nail polish with white crackle Grey nail polish with blue crackle Black nail polish with white crackle Red with green crackle for Christmas Orange with black crackle for Halloween Yellow with blue crackle for summer.

How do you get dried blue nail polish off of a beige bedspread?

nail polish remover and a wash cloth.

What is the name of the blue nail polish in the MeMeMe Limited Edition Nail Collection?

aqueous blue

What color nail polish did Hitler?


How do you remove blue nail polish on a black material?

you can color it over black? or you can try to take it off with nail polish remover.

Is nail polish bad?

Yes, it rots your skin and can cause you to turn blue (Or the color of the polish).

What color nail polish does Nikki reed wear?

the answer is purple \ blue

How do you get purple nail polish out of white and blue tennis shoes?

You can't.

Why are wasps attracted to nail polish?

I don't know if this is 100 % the right answer but I think it may be because of the smell and in a way it smells like sweets, but I don't know any better answer :( Sorry...

Are you gay if your a boy that wears nail polish?

Absolutely not. You are only gay if you are sexually attracted to members of the same gender.

Why are my fingernails blue?

If I were you, I would check my drinking water for nitrates. They are responsible for "blue baby syndrome", where skin turns blue, but I don't know about fingernails. nail polish tehe Family Feud answers: nail polish, cold, dead, bruised