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No they aren't, they just received their name because of their similar feet, and their ability to climb up trees. nubzoor

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Q: Are sloths and bears in the same family?
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What are the sloths predators?

sloths predators are snakes and bears

In what type of family are polar bears?

Ursidae. The same family that black bears, grizzly bears and brown bears are classified in.

Are sloths and monkeys in the same family?

No, sloths are not related to monkeys even though they look a bit the same and they both hang upside down.

What phylum and the class do sloths belongs to?

sloths belong to the monkey family

Are bears related to sloths?

Sloth bears are related to sun bears. They both are same big, except that the sloth bear has more fur and climbs trees. Sloth bears get preyed by tigers sometimes, but sun bears actually kill more tigers than sloth bears do.

Are tigers and black bears in the same family?

No. Both are mammals, true, but bears are Ursines, and cats are felines.

What anmails are omnivores?

Some omnivores are bears , badgers, skunk,sloths,chipmunks and raccoons.

When and what do sloths eat?

Sloths eat mainly leaves, and browse on these most of the daytime.

Are sloths in the koala family?

No. Koalas are marsupials, and the only member of the family Phascolarctidae. Sloths are placental mammals, and are divided into several families, none of which is Phascolarctidae.

Are bears in the pig family?

yes, both sleep in the winter This is actually not true. Bears are in the family of Ursidea and pigs are in the family of Susidea. The are not even in the same order. The closest resemblance is the class, which is mammalia. Bears are more closely related to fin footed mammals of the sea like seals.

Are polar bears and pandas related?

Yes. Both are bears, and both share the same Genus, being Ursa.

What animals live in the temperate rainforest's?

cougars, black bears, racoons, squirrles, sloths,and elks,ect.