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Snails have a shell, but no spine. Butterflies have an exoskeleton, but no spine. The defining characteristic for all vertebrates is a spine, so neither snails or butterflies are vertebrates.

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Q: Are snails and butterflies vertebrates animals?
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Why is the man a vertebrate?

A vertebrate is any animal that has a spine. Humans have spines, so we are vertebrates. Animals that are not vertebrates (they are invertebrates) include snails, worms and jellyfish.

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Elk, White-Tailed Deer, Butterflies, Black Bears, Crayfish, and snails are examples of animals found in Arkansas

Is a snail a amhipian?

No. Snails are gastropods, in the phylum mollusk. Amphibians are vertebrates and include animals such as frogs, newts, and salamanders.

Are Monarch butterflies are Vertebrates?

No, they are not vertebrates because they do not have a backbone.

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sponges,worms,and snails are invertebrates.

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snail are no vertebrates

Are monarch butterflies vertebrates?

Butterflies, like all insects are invertebrates.

What are the characteristics of the vertebrates?

Vertebrates are animals that have a spine (backbone); e.g., humans, snakes, dogs etc. This is part of the central nervous system and is connected to the brain. Animals that do not have a spine are called invertebrates; e.g, slugs, snails, worms, etc.

Are snails vertebrates?

No, snails do not have a backbone; they are invertebrates.

Are moths and butterflies vertebrates?

No. There are insects which are invertebrates.

Is a coral a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Coral is an invertebrate, because it doesn't have a spine. Vertebrates do have spines. Invertebrates would be animals such as snails, worms, and sponges. Vertebrates would be animals such as monkeys, elephants, and anything else you can think of that has a spine.