

Are some fish related to dinosaurs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Ultimately all animals are related, though there is no close relationship between fish and dinosaurs.

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Q: Are some fish related to dinosaurs?
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None. There is no close relationship between dinosaurs and fish.

Name me some dinosaurs that ate fish-?

Baryonyx and Suchomimus are some dinosaurs that ate fish.

What are some examples of dinosaurs?

Birds are the only surviving example of dinosaurs. Some extinct herbivorous dinosaurs include sauropods, ankylosaurs, stegosaurs, hadrosaurs, hypsilophodonts, iguanodonts, and therizinosaurs. Examples of extinct carnivorous dinosaurs include Tyrannosaurs, oviraptorids, Troodon, Allosaurus, and Carnotaurs. See the related links to learn more about each of these.

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Dinosaurs are very closely related to birds, which are thought to have evolved directlly from them.

Is a piranha a reptile?

Piranhas are not reptiles. They are omnivorous fresh water fish.

Are sharks related to sea dinosaurs?

No. First of all, there are no "sea dinosaurs." During the time of the dinosaurs there were marine reptiles such as plesiosaurs and icthyosaurs, but they were not closely related to dinosaurs. Sharks are cartilaginous fish. Reptiles are ultimately descended from bony fish, which split off from cartilaginous fish more than 100 million years before the first reptiles appeared.

What are some fined dinosaurs?

All dinosaurs were terrestrial. Therefor, there are no finned dinosaurs. However, there were finned reptiles that looked a lot like fish or dolphins, and they were called icthyosaurs.

Is everyone related to dinosaurs?

At some point, there was a common ancestor that diverged into the line the became dinosaurs and the one that became humans, so yes, we are related to dinosaurs (and everything else that's alive on this planet).

Are sturgeons dinosaurs?

No, Sturgeons are fish. Dinosaurs are reptiles.

Are dinosaurs related to mammals?

No, dinosaurs are more related to reptiles and birds.

Are dinosaurs exint?

NO! Many scientists believe that dinosaurs evolved into modern day birds. In addition, some reptiles and fish were living with the dinosaurs, such as the crocodile, and have remained virtually unchanged.

Are platypuses dinosaurs?

Platypuses are not dinosaurs; nor are they related to dinosaurs.