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These small galaxies are believed to be the result of collisions between larger spiral galaxies. During such collisions pieces of the spiral arms get flung out into space, becoming small irregular galaxies.

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Q: Are some galaxies very small and have only a few thousand stars?
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Are there more heavenly bodies than the stars you see?

Yes. There are only a few thousand stars that are visible to the unaided eye. All of them are in one small portion of our galaxy, which contains an estimated 200 billion stars. Beyond that there are an estimated 100 billion galaxies in the known universe, most of which have billions of stars of their own. Many of the stars have planets orbiting them.

Most elliptical galaxies have only what?

Older stars

Do Dwarf galaxies contain only dwarf stars?

Dwarf galaxies merely refer to the size of the galaxy itself, not the stars in the galaxy, so no.

Are stars planets from different galaxies?

Through intense research it has indicated that stars are not only luminous balls of plasma held by gravity, but are also planets from different galaxies. From a distance, they may seem like stars, but are in fact planets. So yes, you are correct, planets are stars from different galaxies.

Are stars countable?

Yes and no, as there are a huge amount of starts. Only a few thousand stars can be seen by the naked eye. You can count those. Every star you see is in our galaxy and there are many more stars in our galaxy that you cannot, about 100 billion. Then there are billions of other galaxies. So we can estimate the amount of stars in the universe, but not count all of them.

Is the milkyway your only galaxy?

The Milky Way is not the only galaxy. There are more than a trillion times a trillion galaxies in the whole universe. Scientists have already discovered many tens of thousand galaxies.

Is the milky way the smallest galaxy?

no, the milky way is a typical barred spiral with about 200 billion stars some dwarf galaxies my only have a few million stars in fact, there are 2 dwarf galaxies orbiting the milky way that are much smaller

What objects in space emit or reflect light?

sun, stars, galaxies, nebulae, and meteors

What force caused celestial bodies to orbit?

None, the universe came into existence in the Big Bang very slightly spinning and every part of the universe is spinning. When a cloud of matter collapses to form galaxies, stars, solar systems, planets, etc. the local rate of spin increases. This not only makes the bodies themselves spin but it makes planets orbit stars in solar systems, stars and solar systems orbit inside galaxies, galaxies orbiting clusters of galaxies, etc.

How many stars are in your world?

There are around 100-400 billion in our own galaxy alone, then there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. We can only see a small fraction of them from earth, up to 2000 at any one time, 6000 in total.

What is the name for a group of stars bound together by gravity?

Our local group of galaxies is bound by gravity, although the large and small magellanic clouds nearby are moving fast enough they are probably just passing through. Our entire local group is also moving towards another big group of galaxies known as "the Great Attractor," which itself is bound by gravity. There are numerous clusters of galaxies bound by gravity throughout the hundred billion galaxies in our universe.

Is the sun the only star in space?

No. There are billions of other stars in space. Our sun is the only star in our solar system, though. All the stars we see at night are from other galaxies. There are a lot of other stars way bigger than our sun like Arcturus.