

Best Answer

Yes it is a booming industry for individuals who are considered experienced

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Q: Are some game designing companies hiring today?
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What companies are hiring game developers?

Palm,Disney,epic games.

What gaming companies are hiring video game testers?

I think Bungie is.

What are some local game designing companies that hire people to play video games?


Where are some game designing companies located?

Mostly video game companies are located in California. But for a particular game company, just look at the back of one of their games and in the small print at the bottom, it tells you where the company is located.

What companies have openings for video game testing jobs?

The more and better references you have, the easier it is to land the best video-game tester job openings. many companies offer this jobs. Atari is hiring video game testers, though many are interns. Konami USA is also hiring video game testers. Research local software companies that develop games, espcially educational games - they need testers but rarely advertise.

What are some of the biggest video game companies around today?

There are many large video game companies in existence today. Some of the more popular and widely known producers include Ubisoft, Activision, and Maxis.

What are the career opportunities for game designers?

game designing

How can I get a job in video game design?

First, make sure to have some sort of degree or certification. There are many websites, like this ( that give information about companies that are hiring.

Is Nintendo hiring game designers?

NO.even if they are hiring, only japanese will be hired

What is video game designing?

Video game designing is where you design video games. You can enter classes to learn, whether you're a kid or an adult.

What are the job levels for a game designer?

It depends on who is doing the hiring. However, I will say this. Most colleges have caught on to this rapidly growing field and are now offering degrees in Game Design, Development, and Creation. It would not hurt looking into this you will need a bachelors degree for most of the game designing jobs. Xavior753 & Viper1 Research it please!

Do Spain have video have game designing?
