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Q: Are some personality disorders associated with lying and stealing?
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Is it cool to copy homework from other people?

IDK! why dont u go ahead and ask that to your teacher? :P Cheating is lying and stealing - you're stealing work that someone else did and lying by saying you did it yourself. Lying and stealing are wrong.

Would you please find an attribute of honesty?

Some of the attributes associated with honesty are integrity and loyalty, as well as truthfulness, and a sense of fairness. A person who is honest does not get caught up in lying, cheating, or stealing.

What does the Warden mean by ''he's not going to die unfortunately for you. ''?

Maybe for lying about him stealing the seeds and not telling the truth about the boys stealing them.

How do you deal with a child's stealing and lying?

get them help, counseling or certain classes

What are really bad sins?

They are murder , idolatry, stealing, lying,blasphemy.

Is chronic lying a symptom of a personality disorder?

It is a symptom of antisocial personality disorder. it can be associated witH Borderline Personality Disorder- someone i know has that and she would tell bizarre fibs to get attention or avoid people walking away from her when she was upset or eveni think to get what she wants when under severe stress and anxiety

What makes a Scorpio mad?

Lying, cheating, stealing, and flirting with other people.

Are compulsive liars also sociopaths?

Not necessarily. Compulsive lying can be a behavior associated with various mental health conditions or personality traits, including but not limited to sociopathy. Sociopathy, also known as antisocial personality disorder, involves a pattern of manipulative and deceitful behavior, among other characteristics. Compulsive lying on its own does not indicate sociopathy.

What are the intoratable acts?

cheating, stealing, lying, homocide,gencide,suicide,murder,slavery....

What are Three types of behavior that will decrease or destroy trust in a relationship?

Lying, cheating and stealing!!

What are some sins but not entirely the seven deadly sins?

Disobedience to parents, lying, stealing.

What is an example of a sin?

An example of a sin could be lying, stealing, cheating, or committing murder. These are actions that go against moral or religious principles.