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It really depends on the size of the spider. If it's a tarantula then the eggs would be a bit smaller than a chicken egg, if it's an extremely small spider then yes, the eggs could be very tiny.

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Q: Are spider eggs really tiny
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What has tiny hooks that help it climb and have glands that produce silk for spinning webs or wrapping eggs?

The Spider .

Do tarantulas give birth?

Spiders do not 'give birth' they lay eggs ! The spider spins a cocoon from the silk it produces from the spinnerets - where it deposits the eggs, which are left to hatch on their own. Some species of spider will actively 'guard' their eggs from predators.

What insect lays tiny yellow eggs?

Some insects lay red eggs. The wolf spider is a common spider in North America that lays its eggs in clusters.

How are spiders made?

Male and female spiders mate, then the female spider lays her eggs in a safe place where they will eventually hatch out into tiny baby spiders.

Does a spider need a mate to lay eggs?

Yes. It takes a male and a female spider for the female spider to lay eggs. The male spider wraps his semen inside a ball of spider silk and deposits that inside the female. The female spider usually surrounds her eggs in a cocoon made of spider silk.

What insect lays clusters of orange eggs in potted plants?

Bean leaf beetles, Colorado potato beetles, and spotted cucumber beetles are examples of garden pests that deposit tiny orange eggs. Feeding and stationary aphids and spider mites may look like tiny orange eggs. Rust, particularly on rose leaves, also will be confused sometimes with eggs.

Do spiders get fat?

When a female spider is pregnant she gets really fat. Her abdomen anyway. After she lays the eggs she 'deflates'.

Was there spider eggs in a lady's mouth?

Yes a lady had spider eggs in her mouth from licking stamps with the eggs on it. The eggs gotimbeddedin her lip and hatches. The spiders then crawled out of her mouth.

What spider lays eggs that are orange?

an Arabian cameltoe spider

What are spider plants known as?

the spider plant got its name because it lookes a tiny bit like a spider.

How many babies can a jewel spider?

it can have 1000 eggs the jewel spider