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spiny leaf insects are insreasing becous they lay 600 hundred jsb

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Q: Are spiny leaf insects increasing or decreasing in numbers?
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What does spiny eat?

insects and flowers,,

What are the habitats for insects that have spiny skins?


Egyptian spiny mouse what do they eat?

most spiny mouse, found in Cyprus, which is in Egypt eat insects. they have sharp teeth to satisfy the way they eat the insects. Since they do eat insects, they are not herbivores

Do all insects have spiny skin?

No, some are not spiny at all, like snakes.

Are spiny leaf insects vertebrate or invertabrete?

Invertebrates .

What eats spiny lizards?

Kookuburras mate

When do male spiny leaf insects fly?

because they have wings

Is spiny leaf insects poo really there eggs?

Wrong, a spiny leaf insects droppings is not its eggs there is an obvious difference the eggs are round with a white stripe and have a small cap on the top.

Do echidnas eat insects?

Yes, echidna eats insects . Its common name is spiny ant eater .

How long are spiny leaf insects?

Guys are 11cm and girls are 22cm

Is a spiny tailed iguana a herbivore?

no. they will eat eggs insects and small birds.

Does a spiny anteater have a tongue?

Anteaters have very long tongues that they use to lick up insects.