

Are stain removers acidic

Updated: 5/21/2024
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16y ago

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The ingredients in Shout stain remover are several. They include propane, isobutane, alcohols, tetradecene, water,ethoxylated and corn syrup. These are the ingredients in Aerosol.

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1w ago

Not all stain removers are acidic. Some stain removers may contain acidic compounds, such as citric acid or acetic acid, to help break down stains, while others may rely on enzymes or surfactants to remove stains. It depends on the specific formulation of the stain remover.

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16y ago

Depends on the soiling you are trying to remove, organic and inorganic require either alkaline or acidic bases to remove the marks.

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Common ingredients in stain removers include enzymes (protease, amylase), surfactants, solvents (e.g. isopropyl alcohol), and cleaning agents (e.g. hydrogen peroxide). Some products may also contain fragrances or colorants. Always refer to the specific product label for a complete list of ingredients.

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