

Are stars and planets formed after the Big Bang?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Everything happened after the big bang.

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Q: Are stars and planets formed after the Big Bang?
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How many planets were believed to be formed in the big bang theory?

The big bang theory has nothing to do with the formation of planets.

How do the planets revolving around a star get there speed?

It all started with the Big Bang. All the matter created from the Big Bang eventually formed planets and every thing else. From the moment matter was created during the Big Bang the matter was expanding and moving really fast. So eventually all the planets and stars and galaxies that were formed started to spin around each other from the velocity that was created.

Who did space start?

It started with the big bang. This created the stars and planets

What year that all the planets don't exist?

Probably several tens to hundreds of millions of years following the Big bang. Afterwards, planets formed around stars and became a permanent feature of the Universe.

Compare the elements formed in the big bang with elements formed through nuclear fusion in stars?

No elements were formed in the big bang. After quite some time, hydrogen began to form, and it is the main constituent of stars. The main by-product of nuclear fusion in stars is helium.

Was their planets before the big bang?

well there is a fact that you need to know here , the big bang formed the whole universe we observe nowadays and as the great astronaut carl sagan said " what happened before the big bang is not affected with what happened after the big bang " so we might never know .

Where did Neptune come from?

Neptune came from the big bang like the rest of the planets it was formed by all of the gasses that were let off when the big bang happened.

Would planets ever be formed without the big bang?

Without the Big Bang there would be NOTHING. The entire Universe - including space, and apparently even time! - is the result of the Big Bang.

What makes up space?

There was a big bang.. then space came with lovely stars but there was no planets.. when alot of rocks formed together another big bang had come and made.. EARTH!

How many stars existed on the beginning of the Universe?

If the big-bang theory is true, the stars, planets, and other universal bodies were progressively formed, so there were much less stars than we have today, and the fomation of new stars is compensated by the death of others.

How did the big bang theory form the sun?

Hmph. The Big Bang theory did not form the sun. The big bang formed the elements hydrogen, then hydrogen began to create helium. Then stars were formed out of these two elements and that is how our sun was created.

What does the big bang theory and antimatter have in common?

Scientists "speculate" that the Big Bang created antimatter, but it was destroyed when coming into contact with stars, planets, and other matter.