

Are stars made of galaxies

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No, the stars actually make the planets.

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Q: Are stars made of galaxies
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What are galaxies mainly made of?

Galaxies are made up of billions to trillions of stars.

Why are the stars found in galaxies?

Because that is what galaxies are "made" up of.

What has all the stars and galaxies in them?

the universe is made up of galaxies

Galaxies are made up of billions of?

stars and planets

Where are galaxies made?

Galaxies were made by God from the beginning of time.Answer:The scientific opinion is that galaxies result from the gravitational attraction of matter into stars and the interactions of the stars to form clusters of swirling stars.. The matter originated in the "Big Bang" that was the beginning of the Universe some 15 billion years ago.

Which stars are actually a galaxy?

No stars are actually a galaxy. All stars are stars and all galaxies are galaxies. Stars are found in galaxies. Some galaxies look like tiny dots in our night sky, so might look like a star, but they are not stars; they are galaxies.

What are all stars and galaxies in?

All stars and galaxies are in the universe.

Do galaxies produce their own light?

Galaxies are made partly of stars, which produce light. So, in that sense, yes.

What is bigger a star or a galaxy?

Galaxies are made out of many millions of stars.

What is out of space when not in space anymore?

well the universe is endless, but the universe is made up of many galaxies, and galaxies are made of planets and stars and dust etc.

What is a galaxy made of?

Gases and stars and a massive central black hole.

Are there any stars between Galaxies?

Yes, there are stars between galaxies. When there are collisions or interactions between galaxies, stars can be ripped out of the galaxies. These stars will then wander into space between galaxies. Such stars have been observed with the Hubble Space Telescope. Taken from