

Are stars the closest to earth?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Those that are closest are the closest stars to earth. The champion closest star ...

the closest of all of them ... is the sun. Coming in at a distant second place, the next

closest star is 278 thousand times farther from earth than the sun is.

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Q: Are stars the closest to earth?
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Planets and stars are not the same. Venus is the closest planet, on average. The sun is the closest star.

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The Sun is our closest star, however obviously the other galactic stars are much further from Earth than our Sun.

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It's about 11.5 light years away. That means it's one of the closest stars to Earth.

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Moon is closest (¼ million miles), then the Sun (93 million miles), then the stars are the furthest (trillions of miles).

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It's called the Sun.

Do astronauts go past the stars?

No. The stars are much farther away than any spacecraft we have sent, manned or unmanned. The farthest any astronauts have been from Earth is around the far side of the moon, the closest object in space to Earth. Even the closest stars (other than the sun) are millions of times farther away.

How far away is the closest star to the Earth excluding the Sun?

Alpha Centauri is a trinary, about 4.5 light years from earth. Of those three stars, Proxima Centauri is the closest; it is 4.2 light years away.