

Are stones expensive Or rare

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Some stones are valuable. Most are not.

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Q: Are stones expensive Or rare
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What are the three top rare and expensive gem stones in the world?

well, i don't know if it's the most rare but hiddenite can fetch up to $16,000 per karrot and is the only stone ion the world that can not be replicated by man.

Why are rare items expensive?

Rare items are expensive because people need to spend their rare items, too.

Why are diamonds so expensive when they are not rare?

'Expensive' diamonds are only available in about 20% of all diamonds mined, the remainder being industrial diamonds. Of that 20%, only a few stones are large enough, clear enough, colorful enough or flawless enough to be sold as 'expensive' diamonds.

Why are they considered semi-precious?

Because they are not as rare, still quite valuable if good specimens, but can generally be more easily found. This means they are not as expensive as precious stones that are a lot rarer.

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Not all mahogany is expensive. There are many types. The expensive type is very rare. Cuban or W. Indian is rare.

What are some expensive stones and minerals?

I suppose you could class the rocks brought back from the Moon, as the most expensive stones and minerals ever.

What are reasons diamonds are expensive?

They are rare (in part because supply is artificially restricted by owners of diamond mines and other wholesale diamond merchants), and they last virtually forever.Another AnswerEighty percent of all diamonds mined are industrial diamonds, which are not expensive. Gem-quality diamonds can be expensive. Supply of gem-quality diamonds is unrestricted, if you have the money to purchase them. The finest, highest-quality gem-stones are indeed rare.

What is gem stone can all minerals be gem stones?

Stones that are rare, and look beautiful are considered Gems.

What makes a diamond so valuable?

People value diamonds based on their visually engaging beauty, their emotional baggage, and their investment value. Diamonds are rare and expensive, especially larger, high-quality stones, because they are expensive to discover, mine, cut, polish and market.

Is gold rare?

it is most DEFINITELY rare, because it is VERY expensive

Is curium cheap rare or expensive?

Curium is extremely dangerous and expensive.

Why is everything so expensive?

maybe it is breakable or rare. maybe it is breakable or rare.