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I'm sure it is determined by the school, so I am unable to answer completely. I'm assuming they don't have to if they don't want to :)

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Q: Are students required to take a lunch break in high school?
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Is a high school required by law to provide seating for all its students during lunch?

I've never heard of any such law.

Will you have a lunch break when your a teacher?

yes depends if that school has a lunch room and you usually get a break when during the student's lunch time

How much time do French kids get for lunch break in France?

It is usual for students to have at least an hour for their lunch break. In fact most schools have a break one hour and a half, or 1H45, allowing pupils living nearby to commute home, take their lunch, and come back for the afternoon. Schoolchildren can also take their lunch at the school canteen.

Why should students have break after lunch?

To keep worms from crawling out their pussies.

What are the school schedules like in Spain?

These vary from place to place and according to type of school. One typical schedule would run from 0900 until 1700 with a two hour break for lunch; another typical schedule would go from 0900 with no break and finish classes for the day at 1400. When there is a lunch break of more than hour, students typically have the option to go home for lunch, which many do to take lunch with their entire family.

Is it safe to leave school at lunch?

No. Depending on your school you could be breaking the rules too. Many schools have a closed campus and have students stay at school during lunch. This is often done because students get into trouble at lunch, have fights, and could be hurt.

What percentage of students don't like school lunch?

maybe 70% students complain

How long do french school children have for lunch break?

The usual lunch break is 1H30 to 2 hours long in France. This allows pupils living in the vicinity to commute home and back to school after lunch.

In Germany do the students stay at school or do they go home for lunch?

Germans go home since lunch isn't served at school.

By law how long is lunch time for school lunch?

Still looking for a real answer to this question for Florida schools. Florida labor laws say that a half hour break for every 4 hours worked is required for workers under the age of 18, but so far I have found nothing about school lunches. My son's school just went to 30 minute combined lunch and recess with the state requiring 20 minutes for recess. So, lunch is now 10 minutes in a school with over 70% of the students on free or reduced lunch.