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Q: Are the Appalachian mountains volcanic
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What are the folds and volcanic mountains in Canada?

Fold mountains are defined as mountains created by the bending of rock layers. Volcanic mountains are mountains created by breaks in the Earth's crust. In Canada, there are many examples. For example, the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains are fold mountains. The Canadian Shield and the coastal ranges along the North American west coast are examples of volcanic mountains.

What is the main type of rock found in the Appalachian mountains?

The remains of the mountains exposed are marine sedimentary rocks, oceanic basalt, even coal.

The Proclamation Line of 1763 runs roughly along the what?

Appalachian Mountains.

What physical features served as boundaries for the original 13 colonies?

The Appalachian mountains.

Is Florida closer to the Appalachian Mountains or the Rocky Mountains?


Do the great plains begin at the Appalachian mountains?

No, the Appalachian Mountains are further East. :)

Which mountains stretch from Georgia to Maine?

The Appalachian Mountains run through Maine and Georgia.

Are the catskill mountains part of the Appalachian mountains?

Yes they are part of the Appalachian mountains.

What type of mountains are the Appalachian mountains?

The Appalachian mountains are a fold mountain.

What geographical feature did the proclamation line of 1763 follow?

appalachian mountains

What is an exclamatory sentence for Appalachian mountains?

The Appalachian Mountains are extremely tall!

What is the second largest mountain is the US?

Appalachian Mountains