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There are bad and good people every where, and you can't consider all Chinese are bad if u only know one Chinese who's bad. Also, the term "bad" can never be interpreted correctly, because everyone has a different perspective on it.

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Q: Are the Chinese bad people
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Are Chinese people good people good or bad?

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Some common items that Chinese people consider bad luck include umbrellas (as they are associated with separating or cutting off relationships), clocks (as the pronunciation of "clock" is similar to "funeral" in Chinese), and shoes (as they are believed to bring bad luck when placed on a table or crossed while hanging). It is important to note that these beliefs vary among different individuals and regions in China.

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The Chinese have many superstitions. To ward off bad luck, a white cloth is hung over the doorway to a house.

Why do they have Chinese Lanterns?

People in China have Chinese lanterns because it let's the bad luck go away and gives them good luck, as they (meaning Chinese people who celebrate it) wrote their wishes on the lantern.Search up on this website (wiki answers) the question "Why do they have Chinese lantern festivals" and read what it says.

How do you think about China and the Chinese people?

You use your mind, research more about their rich history, customs and values. Talk to a few Chinese, make friends with them. Do not believe stereotypes of the Chinese. Remember there are good Chinese and there are bad Chinese, same with every race in the world.

Is it bad luck to go out on Chinese New Years?

yes it is bad luck to got out on Chinese new year

Is giving a calendar to a Chinese family bad luck?

No, but cleaning and breaking anything is bad luck on Chinese New Yeatr.