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Yes. Moais aren't eternal. It is known that their level has decreased from 15 to 20 centimeters due to erosion caused by wind, water, sun and the action of men and animals.

In 1981 an expert in monuments conservation from UNESCO studied and defined the treatment for moais. The procedure consist in drying the statue, isolating it from rain, to remove all microorganisms like fungus, lichen and algaes and to add a chemical 10 cms deep to avoid physical damage due hits. After that an impermeable solution should be added to avoid water from entering inside.

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Q: Are the Easter Island Heads been eroded from when they were first built and how?
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Why were the Easter Island Heads built?

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Why might have Easter island been built?

Easter Island is a natural feature, and was not built by mankind. I suspect you mean the stone heads standing on the Island. In which case, apparently, on one really knows for certain why they were erected.

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When were the Easter Island Heads made?

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What are the two tribes in Easter Island who built the moai?

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Why were the stone carvings built on Easter Island?

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Why were the Easter Island statues built?

The Easter Island statues, known as moai, were built by the native Rapa Nui people as a way to honor their ancestors and chiefs. The statues also served a religious and ceremonial purpose, acting as a link between the living and the spirit world.

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What is the name for Easter Island statues?

The statues on Easter Island are called moai. They are large stone figures that were built by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries.