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Individual Marines, or the Corps as a whole?

The Marine Corps is extremely stingy with its medals. Things that in the Army will get you an Army Commendation Medal won't get you any medals at all in the Marines. The Marines also don't have a lot of the service ribbons the Army has.

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Q: Are the Marines more decorated than the Army?
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If you stuck a squad of Marines and A squad of army soldiers, The marines would definatley win! Marine are trained to be right in the action, Army soldiers are more for support and backup. Marines are trained more harsh and cruel than a Army soldier.

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A difficult question, but it could be said that the US Army has lost more battles than the US Marines because the US Army has fought more battles than the US Marines. In some battles, victory or loss is debatable. At Chosin Reservoir the Marine retreat (or advance to the rear as it was called) has been blamed on the Army.

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Yes... and the Air Force, and in the Marines, as well.

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More than 200,000 at any one time, really larger than a standard army corps.

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It's harder to join the Marines. They have much higher standards than the Army.

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yes they made over 5 landings. the army made 1

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Inter-service cooperation exists between all branches, although the Marines do traditionally have a much closer relationship with the Navy than the Army does.

What is more safer army or the marines?

Neither. Your actual occupation would determine your likelihood of being put in harm's way, rather than what branch you were in.

Which warhammer 40k army has the best fluff?

All armies have a good amount of fluff, the newer codexes will probably have some of the best, something that covers a broad army, such as Space Marines, will have a more generalized fluff than a specific Marines codex such as Dark Angels or Black Templar.

Is Army MP better than Marine MP?

hell no the army is fine but the soldiers in the army compare nothing to the best out their the marines no matter what the mos is.

What is the US army rangers equilvent to the marine core?

actually a better question would be what is the marine cores equivalent to the army rangers. the rangers are considered more highly trained and more elite soldiers than the marines (although a marine will tell you other wise). And the marines equivalent would be MARSOC which stands for Marine Special Operations Command.

The US Army has stepped up their training for the war in Afghan Are the Marines going to step up their training as well?

The Marines train harder than anyone. If they "stepped up" their training, Marines would die before getting to Afghanistan. Even though the Army may have stepped up their training, it's not even half of what the Marines do.