

Are the US and Libya going to have a war?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The odds are against it.

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Q: Are the US and Libya going to have a war?
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Is there going to be war with Libya?

I think so

Will the US go to war with Libya?

NO. The US is relatively disinterested in Libya's current civil war and will likely ignore the region. Besides the US intervention in Libya in 2011 has soured many Americans on the idea of intervening in Libya another time.

Are there any natural disasters in Libya now?

In libya there are oil spills and the war going on right now about the government

Is the US going to drop a nuke on Libya?

No, it is highly unlikely that the United States will use nuclear arms against Libya.

Is there a war going on in libya at the moment?

No, but there is a revolution happening. Dictator Muammar Quaddafi is the cause.

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Has libya ever been in war.

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What foods does the US export to Libya?

The US exports corn to Libya.

Is the US and the UK going to war with Libya?

most likely not. what happens is Colonel Gaddafi always gets in a small argument with countries but when he is threatened he tends to back of especially if its England we are simply more economically developed (rich) and strong for libya to take on. (unless we invade Libya, of course. We could use the "pre-emptive warfare" strategy that allowed us to invade Iraq with no declaration from congress and when there was no immediate threat from Hussein.)

What was the last war Romania was in?

Romania was involved in the war against Libya.A contribution to the war of NATO countries against Libya.

Are US troops currently in Libya?

no, currently there are air and missile strikes going on between the U.S Army and several other countries, but there are no U.S ground troops in Libya yet.

Where are us army bases in Libya?

US army bases in Libya are in Tripoli.