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It depends on who you mean.

Some of them; like Niccolo Machiavelli, Rodrigo Borgia, Caterina Sforza, Leonardo da vinci, etc..etc - are real. But I don't think that Ezio, Altair, Desmond, or Malik, etc..etc, are real.

But, some of the characters are modelled after real people; Lucy Stillman is modelled after actress Kristen Bell.

I hope this answers your question.

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13y ago
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11y ago

Alot of the people in the game actually existed, but i don't think any of them were really assassins.

no, the assassin did not exist, they just threw him in there. most of the people he was after did exist, tho.

actually, the main guy ezio was real.

Another person: I believe they ARE a real life cult named the 'Hassashins'

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12y ago

the hidden blade was not a real weapon although during the crusades there were a mysterious band of people with abilities and techniques similar to assassins, but i doubt it was anything like the game series at all

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11y ago

They are a real life cult back from the medieval times. "Hashashins" The cult of "The man in the mountains" form the middle east. THough if they did a leap of faith and survived or not is not known. But the assassins obeyed their master and jumped off a cliff by the wave of his hand if he wanted them to prove their loyaty to someone from the outside. They mainly stayed to themeself yet did -some- Assassinations for some clients.

*there are real assassins a real order bringing knowledge and light to the ignorant and defending the weak the order has lost power due to the influence if they do exists just think on this apocalypse in greek means brining the truth to light maybe its time they started or else ignorance and evil claims whats left of us

la verità viene portata alla luce con mezzi propri


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14y ago

There are plenty of people who will kill for money, using a variety of methods.

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