

Are the asteroids in the Milky Way?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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Now, let's get serious. There are no aliens known to exist, just a bunch of anecdotes, and no matter how high you stack anecdotes, they never become evidence. We hope there is other life out there, and we consider it likely. But someone has to be the first form of intelligent life in the universe, and there is no evidence that it isn't us.

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14y ago

The Milky Way is the name of our galaxy, and our galaxy contains billions - perhaps hundreds of billions - of stars. Our Sun is part of the Milky Way, so the eight planets of our solar system are in the Milky Way.

Scientists have also discovered over 300 planets that orbit around other stars in our solar system, and it seems likely that there will be millions or billions of planets yet to be discovered. These "exo-planets" are also part of the Milky Way.

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12y ago

The "asteroids" are everywhere within the Milky Way

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Earth is part of the Milky Way galaxy, so humans do live in the Milky Way. We could not live in any other part of it though.

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Nobody. While it would be exciting to discover intelligent aliens in space, we have never found ANY sign of life anywhere other than Earth.

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Because that is where you get milky rocks

What is the milky way made up?

Our galaxy, the milky way, is made up of hundreds of billions of stars, many of which with their own planets, and other matter such as comets and asteroids etc.

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The Milky Way Galaxy is made up of all of the mentioned (with slight adjustments) but the major contributor is stars.

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Sun, moons, planets, asteroids, meteors, and STARS! (Our galaxy MILKY WAY)

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Sun, moons, planets, asteroids, meteors, and STARS! (Our galaxy MILKY WAY)

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The milky way "composes" an infinitesimally small part of the universe. Should this question actually mean "What is the milky way composed of?", here is an answer: The Milky Way is a galaxy and is therefore composed of many different celestial objects, including: stars, planets, comets, asteroids, cosmic dust and dark energy (hypothetically), among other things.

Compare Milky Way to solar system?

Milky way is talking about our whole actual galaxy with a lot of stars, planets, asteroids, meteors, and comets, but solar system JUST refers to our sun, the moon, planets, and the stars which happen to be in the Milky way. They are two totally different things because of this.

Where is the Milky Way in the solar system?

There are many asteroid formations in the Milky Way. Of those, three orbit our sun, Sol. The first, and most commonly known, asteroid formation in our system is the Asteroid Belt (sometimes called the Main Belt). It is located approximately 3 AU (448,793,612.1 kilometres) from the sun, and is comprised of mostly rocky asteroids in a belt formation. The second is the Kuiper Belt, a belt formation of icy asteroids and dwarf planets. The third is the Oort Cloud, a theorized cloud of asteroids orbiting far beyond the Kuiper Belt.

What other things are there in the Milky Way Galaxy besides planets?

pluto,asteroids,stars,comets and dwarf planets Stars, gas, black holes.

Why is earth considered part of the milky way galaxy yet it is not a star?

Because a galaxy contains not only stars, but planets, asteroids, comets and other stellar material.

Why is earth part of the milky way galaxy yet it is not a star?

Our Sun is a Star and the Earth is part of it's "system" - eg Solar System. Our Sun is in the Milky Way so the Earth is as well (along with all the other planets, meteors, comets, asteroids and other stellar stuff).

What object does our solar system revolve around?

The planets, asteroids, comets, and other objects that make up our solar system orbit the Sun. Our entire solar system orbits the black hole at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, like everything else in the Milky Way Galaxy does.