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as far as i know all berberis berries are edible as are mahonia berries.depending on growing conditions and personal taste some may find are not very palatable but can be made into jellies or jams.

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16y ago
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13y ago

The fruit of the common yew (Taxus baccata)contains a very toxic seed.

However, the bright red fleshy part (aril) is edible.

Every other part of the yew is toxic.

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14y ago

Yes you can make them into pie, jelly/jam or a deep dark red elderberry wine. The white flower heads are great for elderberry champagne.

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Q: Are the berries of the elderberry tree edible?
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A balata is a variety of South American tree, Latin name Manilkara bidentata, which yields latex and edible yellow berries.

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